“GeoNode integrates the ability to upload non-spatial data in the form of miscellaneous files or documents. If desired, these documents can be associated with spatial layers that exist in the GeoNode”
In this module, we will explore GeoNode’s capability to ingest non-spatial data and link them to spatial data. In this module we assume a user has spatial data already available in GeoNode.
Goal: To explore the capability of GeoNode handling non-spatial data and usage of non-spatial data in GeoNode
NB: The document can be on your file system or online (use document link).
Check your results
A document should be visible in the Explore documents menu. If a document is linked to a layer it should be listed in the properties of the layer.
GeoNode allows to share reports, conceptual notes, posters, spreadsheets, etc. A wide range of documents files can be hosted on the platform, including text files (.doc, .docx, .txt, .odt), spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .ods), presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .odp), images (.gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff), PDF, zip files (.rar, .zip, .gz), SLD, XML or QML files.
What is the significance of associating documents with layers:❗
What is a standalone document:❗
Can a Document be associated to multiple layers:❗