“GeoNode Maps are configurable, interactive compositions with support for multiple resources”
GeoNode map resources, in their basic form, are collections of layers that can be published and shared as distinct content elements. Maps are a distinct content type within GeoNode, and as such, they have their own permissions and metadata. Maps can be preconfigured to display a specific area at a particular level of detail, and include additional embedded map elements such as widgets in order to enhance their effectiveness when shared with other GeoNode users.
The basic spatial resource element within in GeoNode is a layer. A layer is a GeoNode resource that contains spatial data and has a related set of definitions for style and metadata. Although users may interact with a single layer within a map, maps typically include multiple layers in order to illustrate a specific outcome. Maps can be configured to utilize a particular style or theme for specific layers and can be published in a manner that allows them to be shared with a specific audience.
This module outlines the process for creating and publishing maps within GeoNode and the interactive tools available to map users. This module assumes that sample data has been uploaded into GeoNode already and has been styled adequately for map creation purposes.
Goal: Learn how to create and explore maps in GeoNode
Hint: You can select multiple layers from the catalog to use in your map. When adding multiple layers it is encouraged to add layers that have extents that are within similar regional bounds, such as layers from the same countries.
By default, anonymous users (that are not logged in to GeoNode) are also able to create and edit maps using any publicly available resources, however, they will not be able to save and share the maps in the manner that registered users can.
Check your results
After creating and saving a map, it should automatically become available in the maps list or accessible from the layer details page of any of the included layers. Navigating to the map should allow users to view and interact with it. Once a map has been created, you can edit it to add/remove layers or change the base map accordingly, then save the changes to overwrite the existing map configuration whilst retaining all the relevant content details, permissions and metadata.
Map creation
Maps can also be created from a layers details page by clicking on the Create a map using this layer feature, which will automatically create a new map, using the current layer as the only map resource. Additional layers can then be added to the map using the catalog tool.
GeoNode integrates multiple tools, services and libraries in order to function as a rich SDI (spatial data infrastructure) platform. One of the core GeoNode components is the MapStore map client, a web application that allows the creation of advanced, interactive web maps which can be published and distributed using the GeoNode permissions and content sharing utilities.
Map publishing
Saved maps will automatically become available to GeoNode users with the relevant permissions via the GeoNode data discovery interface. In addition, GeoNode includes a number of additional ways to share maps, which are very useful when publishing data publicly. These publication mechanisms enable GeoNode maps to be accessed via some of the following channels:
Map permissions
GeoNode maps have their own permissions management structure for the map object itself, which will determine which users can view or manage the map project, but as maps include layer onjects they respect the permissions hat are configured for the underlying content.This means that you may only add layers to a map that your account has read access to, and viewers of your map will only be able to view layers that they have read access to.
Therefore, if you publish a map that contains both public and private layers publicly, anonymous viewers will only be able to view the public layers and will not be able to view private layers within your map.
Why would you create a map after logging in vs when not logged in:❗
Why would you not create a map with layers from South Africa and Brazil:❗
How would I go about adding another basemap layer like Google Hybrid to GeoNode:❗