Assessing your GeoNode skills

“You've now been exposed to most of the GeoNode functionality you need to know as a user and even some more advanced administrator tasks”

We need to assess whether the course has been effective in building your competence with GeoNode and at the same time cement what you have learnt. So now is the time for you to put your skills to the test.
You need to complete this exercise during class time unless the instructor says you can complete it afterwards. But you do need to complete it by a deadline and you will be assessed on the outputs.

  1. Get hold of two coincident vector or raster layers that would mean something together in a map. These could be your own data or layers from the course materials or layers that you create.
  2. Open the layers in QGIS
    1. Style them
    2. Capture metadata for them
  3. Upload them to the course GeoNode instance using your account. Be sure to upload the styles and metadata with the layers.
  4. Give the layers useful names that include your name (we must be able to tell from the name or at least from the metadata whose layers they are)
  5. Make a map with your two layers (include other layers if you want) and give it a useful name and some metadata.
  6. Create a simple document (e.g. .odt, .doc, .pdf; no more than one page) that says a little bit about yourself and what your mini-project is about. You are welcome to include pictures or graphics.
  7. Upload the document and associate it with your map.
  8. Share your map with your instructor with one of the social media options.
  9. Open both your GeoNode layers (i.e. your map) in QGIS. (Hint: there are several ways to do this including downloading QGIS layer file or using Metasearch in QGIS). Note your layers must come from GeoNode and NOT be your original files.
  10. Take a screenshot of your whole QGIS window with your GeoNode layers rendered and email it to your instructor

You will be assessed on your ability to complete all the tasks and on the quality of your work.
Good luck!