A web platform providing near realtime earthquake impact assessments following recent earthquakes in the Indonesia region, and near realtime flood assessments for Jakarta.

Shakemaps of earthquake ground shaking are produced by the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) and used by the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to produce InaSAFE impact assessments within minutes of an earthquake ( http://www.bnpb.go.id or http://realtime.inasafe.org). This information is used by disaster managers to help them understand the potential scale of a disaster and to respond faster to the hardest hit communities. This is particularly important in the first few hours after a large earthquake when it may be difficult to get accurate on-the-ground information.

Flood data used here is sourced from PetaBencana.id who use crowdsourced data from Twitter, Telegram, Qlue, PasangMata, Z-Alert, and expert data review by BPBD-DKI Jakarta. A report is then generated every 6 hours for floods from the last 6 hour interval (if there was any flooding in that period). This report includes all RW flooded during the last 6 hours and shows the deepest water depth recorded in the last 6 hours. This information is used by disaster managers to help them understand the potential scale of a disaster and to respond more quickly to the hardest hit communities. This is particularly important in the first few hours after a flood when it may be difficult to get accurate on-the-ground information. Although this service is currently specific to Jakarta, the platform is extensible so that we can add more cities and regions easily.